The Tubacex works council met urgently with the Tubacex management to discuss the measures to be taken against the coronavirus. Faced with a lack of safety, the trade unions have asked those responsible for the company to "stop immediately" production, but have responded that they do not intend to interrupt production. In addition, the management has called for compliance with the established protocols and for the failure to carry out actions that put the safety of workers at risk.
Workers' representatives explained that the security measures identified were as follows:
The Committee has ensured that it will denounce any violation of the protocol, "we have the right and the duty to stay if the rules are not complied with".
As Aiaraldea has been aware, production in one sector of the Amurrio plant has been paralysed during the morning of Monday because it does not maintain the safety criteria. Apparently, masks and disinfectants were missing, so the work of the pilger section of the Ertzaintza has been suspended. This section is the most important of Amurrio.