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Tubacex is on the stock market for the presence of citizens via Telegram

  • EITB has referred to the "agencies" to link the increase in Tubacex's shares with the increase in GameStop's shares last week. The message has spread to "a channel of 6,600 people, with the appearance of a Reddit subforum", according to the news of EITB. In this article, Manex Argoitia explains how the stock market game of these citizens is.

02 February 2021 - 10:35

The shares of the metallurgical company Tubacex have risen by 8.27% on 1 January in the Spanish Stock Exchange, to EUR 1.43. According to EiTB, citizenship has been organized into a "channel that looks like a subforum" of the Reddit social network, which last week influenced the price of GameStop shares. According to information from EiTB, this channel is called Ws Bets Español and a member of it has announced at noon on 1 January its intention to invest in Tubacex as of 3 February, claiming that it is a company "excessively punished by the pandemic, of cyclical value and leader of the sector". An hour later, the shares increased by 16%, from 1.31 euros to 1.31 euros at 11:00 hours, to 1.52 at noon. Finally, it closed the sitting with a growth of 8% compared to 28 January.

In this article, Manex Argoitia explains how the public’s stock market game is organized on social networks.

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