Volodimir Zelenski hopes it will be a "constructive meeting". With tense relations between Ukraine and the United States, Ukrainian President Keith Kellogg, the White House’s representative for the Ukrainian war, will meet this February 20. He responded with the following message to the threats and insults that U.S. President Donald Trump has extended to him in recent days: "Our future is not with Putin, but with peace. This is the choice we all have to make – especially the most powerful – or we stand for peace, or for Putin.”
Trump accuses Zelenski of starting the war in Ukraine, calling him a "dictator", in addition, the president of Ukraine. At the beginning of the week, the United States and Russia met in Saudi Arabia to discuss the end of this war. Zelenski denounced the fact that he did not receive the invitation to attend, regretting that decisions on Ukraine are being made without taking Ukraine into account. The Saudi meeting served to “lay the groundwork” for collaboration between the White House and the Kremlin, according to a statement released by the U.S. Secretary of State.
To calm the climate or, since the US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, has determined that the European Union will be able to participate in the negotiations. French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer will meet with Trump next week to “make Europe’s voice heard.”
If Joe Biden’s administration has been pushing for war by supporting Ukraine, Donald Trump seems to have accepted some of Russia’s demands and opted for an end to the war. According to data from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IFW), from January 2022 to December 2024, the US assistance to Kiev amounted to US$ 114 billion, while that of the European Union amounted to US$ 132 billion.
In the face of this geopolitical change, the states and institutions of the world need to relocate, with the agreement of a common position being one of the main challenges. Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the G20 are meeting this Thursday in South Africa to talk specifically about the war in Ukraine. The United States will not attend, officially due to its "ideological conflicts" with South Africa.
The European authorities are also trying to define a joint road map on the defence of Europe and the future of Ukraine. The seven strongest European states – the United Kingdom, Germany, the Spanish State, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark and the French State – met in Paris on Monday, as well as delegations from the European Commission, the Council of Europe and NATO. Among the seven partners in Paris, they account for almost two-thirds (65%) of the European continent’s defence spending and one-third (35%) of its military spending.
In view of the internal disagreements of NATO - mainly due to the drastic change of the United States in recent days - the need to "strengthen the joint defence" has been overthrown at the meeting in Paris, and this, with each country increasing its military spending. How much to raise? This is a question that remains unanswered, precisely because of the great discrepancies between them.
Confirming that Russia is an "existential threat to the [European] continent", Macron met on Wednesday by videoconference nineteen state representatives, including those from Europe, as well as those from outside Europe, but also those who are members of NATO.
49 urte preso pasa ondoren, libre utzi dute Leonard Peltier AEBetako ekintzaile autoktonoa. Otsailaren 18 honetan heldu da bere senide eta lagunen artera 80 urte dituen preso-ohia.
Palestinan genozidioa, Europan gerra eta potentzia nuklearren artean tentsioa. Ez daukagu berri on askorik emateko, baina bada bat, hondamendi orokorretik eratorria, aipatzea merezi duena: aldeko baldintzak sortzen ari dira kontrainformaziorako, informazio independenterako,... [+]
Zutabe hau idazten nengoela, gaia aldatu behar izan dut, nire arreta osoa harrapatu dutelako Trumpen muga-zergek. Azalpen gutxi beharko duzue, leku guztietan da berria, Txinako produktuei %10eko zerga eta Kanadako eta Mexikoko produktuei %25eko muga-zergak jarri dizkie. Trumpek... [+]