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Trump has pardoned 143 others on the last day, including Belgian Steve Bannon, who has been arrested.

  • U.S. President Donald Trump has left his post as President on Wednesday. However, in the last few hours he has signed the commutation of 143 pardons and prison sentences, including the head of his political strategy and former campaign director for Steve Bannon. Bannon, who was working worldwide on the extortion of far-right parties, was arrested in August on charges of tax fraud against a nonprofit organization.
Trump eta Bannon artxiboko irudi batean.

Trump has taken advantage of his last hours to sign the pardons of the 143 people who remained in prison, according to the newspaper Democracy Now.

Bannon was arrested in August, when he allegedly handed over money to a nonprofit anti-migrant organization, We Build the Wall, for cheating and scamming Trump fans. In recent weeks, Bannon has helped promote conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election and called on Trump supporters to move to Washington on January 6, when the Capitol was attacked.

To find out who Steve Bannon is, this report by Pello Zubiria in 2017 is highly recommended: Meet Steve Bannon, the warrior who has built Trump's strategy.

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