It has threatened its European partners in NATO by saying that they need to increase their military budgets, even to 5% of their GDP. In 2024, for example, Spain’s is 1.28% of GDP and France’s is around 2.06%. Well, now Donald Trump says he wants to cut his military budget in half, especially through the distancing on nuclear weapons offered to Russia and China.
As you can read in The Guardian, Trump has proposed to both countries not to produce more nuclear weapons and thus save hundreds of millions of dollars in defense spending. “We don’t need any more nuclear weapons. We've got enough already. We can destroy the world 50 or 100 times with them. And here we are, making more nuclear weapons and so are they.”
“We’re all wasting a lot of money and we could spend that money on other, more productive things.” Trump says that in “five to six years,” China would acquire the current nuclear capability of the U.S. and Russia. If these weapons come into force one day, it will probably be “the moment of nothingness,” he said.
After focusing on the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine, Trump invites both countries to talk about nuclear weapons: “We’re going to cut our military budget in half. We can do it.” During his first term, Trump tried to lure China into the New Star agreement to reduce nuclear weapons signed with Russia, but failed to do so.
Trump said he would also like Russia to return to the G7. In 2014, Russia was expelled from this organization after Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine.
Arma nuklearren produkzioarekin, mantentze lanekin eta modernizazioarekin loturak dituzten hainbat enpresa aztertu dituzte, eta horien artean agertzen dira BBVA, Santander bankua eta SEPI.
Japan, 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States launched an atomic bomb causing tens of thousands of deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; although there are no precise figures, the most cautious estimates indicate that at least 210,000 people died at the end of that year. But in... [+]
On the occasion of the Hiroshima G7, the temptation to say again what Marx has made us repeat too many times, putting us in the mouth of Hegel, is not a fool: “Hegel says that all the great events and characters in universal history appear twice, but he forgot to say: once as... [+]