Gabriel Wortman is the name of the alleged killer, a 51-year-old dentist, who has been arrested. Most of the corpses have been found in the village of Portapique, in Nova Scocia, and in several houses. Deaths have also been found in other locations, including a police officer, who has been arrested. The attack began on Saturday night and lasted for twelve hours, until Sunday, when it began to happen.
As reported by the Government of Canada, Wortman used his car to commit the massacre by painting as if it were the police. It seems that he has later changed his car and led a Chevrolet SUV, which was also ready to give the impression of a police car. The police have only one suspect and blames Wortman for sixteen deaths.
This is the largest massacre in the country since 1989, according to the National Police. In that year, fifteen women were murdered by a man in Montreal. The Police have not disclosed any of the reasons for the attack on housing.
A few years ago, I wrote a little book about Tene Mujika, which is called Udazken Argitan. When I started doing that biographical essay, I met our protagonist today, Mr. Watson Kirkconnell. In 1928, Kirkconnell published a nice book of European Elect anthology, which included... [+]
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a self-esteem character, but he seems to be learning – he is wise the donkey, he has the cane – that major Asian leagues require experience and, above all, prudence. A lot. However, Mr Trudeau may not fully understand what he is... [+]
Higiezinen merkatuko prezioen goranzko joera eten asmoz, Kanadako Gobernuak lege bat jarri du indarrean: bi urtez atzerriko inbertitzaile eta enpresei etxebizitzak erostea debekatuko zaie, ondorioztaturik atzerriko espekulatzaileen eragina erabakiorra izan dela merkatuko... [+]