The last farewell to Azkoitia Ramon Zubizarreta Landakanda has been the one who received today, Monday, a cordial saludo.Anteayer, Saturday, the king of the pandero died at the age of 88, and today, he has been fired for the last time in the parish of the Assumption of Santa Maria of Azkoitia. Landakanda brings him with the same instrument he has had with him for almost his entire life, as he has had a doll on the coffin that he has always wanted.
Many Basque citizens have reminded Ramón Zubizarreta Landakanda. In particular, Landakanda has travelled the way from the Tanatorio to the Parish accompanied by dozens of Trikitilaris and panderos who are currently working in the trikitixa world. Before the end of the funeral, a small tribute was paid to Landakanda. To begin with, the bertsolaris Anjel Mari Peñagarikano and Millan Telleria have sung the bertsos they have sung in the performance. Other trikitilaris from their environment have offered a melody before the end of the act. Almost 400 people, gathered in the parish, have offered applause to both the Bertsolaris and the Trikitilaris. After the funeral, on the other hand, all the trikitilaris have sung the song Biribilketa of Euskal Herria in front of the portico of Landakanda.
Kepa Junkera musikaria Belgikako ospitale batean dago, joan den asteazkenean iktus bat jasan ondoren. Ebakuntza egin zioten eta ingresatuta dago, EITBk informatu duenez.
Eleuterio bera zen festa liburua aurkeztu dute Asteasun; trikitia, lagunak eta senideak elkartu dira, Eleuterio Tapiaren argitalpenaren aitzakian.