The trial has been delayed three times in the Baiona Court (Iparralde) against nine persons accused of occupying the railway in the village of Nos (Landas). The event began on 7 October and a compromise agreement was reached on the first day with the French Railway Service SNCF, according to Kazeta.
The SNCF called on entrepreneurs to pay EUR 168,000 in compensation for the occupation of the railways, but, according to Bake Bidea, both parties have signed a confidential transaction agreement.
On 23 July 2022, convened by Bakegileek and Bake Bidea, 2,000 people blocked the communication networks of Ipar Euskal Herria: the railway, the airport and the A63 motorway. Two months later, Jakes Esnal and Ion Parot were released after 32 years in prison.
The trial has also been used to explain the case
ARGIA journalist Jenofa Berhokoirigion interviewed Haritz Agirre, neighbor of Urruña, in February 2023, when the trial was due to begin. He was one of the accomplices of the case. In the interview he talked about the action, therefore, of the way to understand it and the importance of organizing it.
Joan den uztailean bake prozesua "desblokeatzeko", Ipar Euskal Herriko komunikazio sareak eten zituzten ehunka herritarrek. Horren harira, abenduan epaitu zituzten lehen bederatziak Akizen, eta otsailaren 2an beste 11 epaituko dituzte Baionan. Bakegileek eta Bake... [+]
Orotara 20 ekintzaile epaituak izango dira uztailaren 23ko ekintzan hainbat garraio bide blokatzeagatik. Ostegun honetan, Akizeko auzitegian, trenbidean beren burua lotu zuten bederatzi ekintzaile epaituko dituzte.