The Treviño case will return to the Spanish Senate. In this case, by Elena Ramírez, Mayor of the County of Treviño, and Roberto Ortiz de Urbina, Mayor of Argancungo. The PNV calls for an appearance of mayors "so that the inhabitants of Treviño can explain in person their motivations for integration in Álava" and "to continue advancing with the objective of integrating the enclave of Burgos in Álava".The hearing is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. at the Comisión de Comunidades Autónomas.
In the opinion of Senator José María Cazalis of the PNV, "no one can better explain the reality of these peoples than the local mayors, especially in front of the senators who voted last September against seeking a solution to the problem of the enclave". The amendment tabled by EAJ during the September debate was rejected. In it, the PNV proposed the creation of a "working group that would guarantee the participation of all the entities involved" to merge the enclave of Treviño with the Historical Territory of Álava, modifying the territorial limits.
This news has been published by the magazine Alea de Álava thanks to the license CC-By-SA we have brought it to LA LUZ.
The position of the Spanish-Land Party on the Treviño question is very clear: “Treviño County is not the most skilled. The county of Treviño belongs to Castile. And all the Castilians of the five communities that make up Castilla-León, unanimously, we could not change from... [+]
Gaztela Leongo hauteskundeen biharamunean, Xabi Iturriza trebiñarra izan dute Hizpidea saioan. Trebiñu Araba izateko arrazoien inguruan mintzatu dira berarekin. Otsailaren 26an aurkeztuko da Trebiñu Araba da! taldea.
PSOEk lortu du bozka gehien bai Trebiñun bai Argantzonen, Gaztela eta Leongo Juntarako bozetan. 1.506 pertsona zeuden bozkatzera deituak Trebiñuko barrendegian, eta horietatik 558k bozkatu dute, %37ak.
Argantzungo eta Trebiñuko udaletako osoko bilkurek gehiengo osoz erabaki dute lan-mahai bat sortzea, egun Burgoseko probintziaren administraziopean dagoen barrundia ofizialki Arabako parte izatea lortzeko.