The agreement reached in recent hours by the PNV with the central government will have three main consequences in Álava: the state of alarm will extend until 24 May, the autonomous elections will be held in July and Treviño will join Álava in the de-escalation process.
A few days ago, the mayors of Arganzón and Treviño County asked for common sense to be acted upon and the confinement in Álava to be accelerated in order to avoid mobility problems. The agreement has received a claim that, according to the PNV, will guarantee "the best services and the closest attention" in the territory of Treviño.
The parties will vote today in the Congress of Deputies on the extension of the state of alarm for another fifteen days. The Spanish Government has given the green light to the conditions set out yesterday by the PNV, and therefore, with the support of the PNV, it is expected that a further extension of the state of alarm will be approved, among other things.
In return, the Government of Spain has agreed to manage the state of alarm with each of the autonomous communities; in the case of the CAV, the deescalation measures will be agreed with the Basque Government and implemented by lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu.
The position of the Spanish-Land Party on the Treviño question is very clear: “Treviño County is not the most skilled. The county of Treviño belongs to Castile. And all the Castilians of the five communities that make up Castilla-León, unanimously, we could not change from... [+]
Gaztela Leongo hauteskundeen biharamunean, Xabi Iturriza trebiñarra izan dute Hizpidea saioan. Trebiñu Araba izateko arrazoien inguruan mintzatu dira berarekin. Otsailaren 26an aurkeztuko da Trebiñu Araba da! taldea.
PSOEk lortu du bozka gehien bai Trebiñun bai Argantzonen, Gaztela eta Leongo Juntarako bozetan. 1.506 pertsona zeuden bozkatzera deituak Trebiñuko barrendegian, eta horietatik 558k bozkatu dute, %37ak.
Argantzungo eta Trebiñuko udaletako osoko bilkurek gehiengo osoz erabaki dute lan-mahai bat sortzea, egun Burgoseko probintziaren administraziopean dagoen barrundia ofizialki Arabako parte izatea lortzeko.