The objectives of this year’s Araba Euskaraz are several. It is, on the one hand, to demand, promote and disseminate the use of the Basque language in Álava; on the other, to make known both the work of the ikastola Argantzun and the new ikastola Sagastieta to be opened in Treviño; and, on the other, to obtain money to make that new ikastola. The ikastola Argantzun features two buildings that are premises assigned by the neighbors until the construction of the new ikastola. The next Sagastieta course wants to open its doors.
In 2003, the ikastola Argantzun was created. Until then, most of the city's children went to Vitoria to study, which was the choice of parents who wanted their children to learn Basque. However, after the abrupt road, they got the ikastola in Treviño, and today the school has 67 students.
The motto and logo for the 2022 edition have been developed on the basis of the motto and logo of Nestor Basterretxea, commissioned for the 1981 edition. The motto was “Araba, seven groups, one by the Basque”. He referred to the seven alavese quadrilles. The 2022 is “The Eighth Daughter.”
The party will return to Olarizu
Although in Arganzon it will focus on the ikastola, the festival will be held in the Olarizu of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in the Green Ring of the capital. It is forty years since the first edition of Araba Euskaraz in Olarizu. See the program you have prepared in this link.
Ekainaren 17an ospatuko dute Araba Euskaraz Argantzunen. Bertako ikastolak Manzanosen duen Lehen Hezkuntzako eraikina ordaintzen laguntzeko baliatuko dute jaia.
Bero handiarekin, baina giro apartan, ospatu dute Arabako ikastolen jaia, Bastidan. 30 gradutik gorako tenperaturak ez dira oztopo izan, eta milaka lagun hurbildu dira gaurkoan Bastidara, Arabako ikastolen jaia ospatzeko.
Bereziki ezagutza altua den taldeetan erabilera indartzea da helburu nagusia, Leire Sueskun Arabako Errioxako euskara teknikariaren arabera; esparru desberdinetara heltzeko, "baliabide gehiago" eskatu ditu.