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On Saturday, demonstrations were held in favor of the Trans Law in the Basque Country

  • In favor of the approval of the Trans Law, mobilizations have been held in Spain on Saturday, and they have also been convened in Donostia and Pamplona. The PSOE and United Nations Coalition We Can Commit to Passing the Law No later than the end of the year, but the discrepancies between them are delaying the process. Amendments to the law will be voted on Monday in the Committee on Equality of the Congress of Deputies.

12 December 2022 - 12:44
Last updated: 14:23

Against the blockade of the Trans Act, at least seventeen cities in the Spanish state called for mobilizations on December 10. Also included were the calls of Donostia and Pamplona: The demonstrators met in Donostia at the PSOE headquarters on Prim Street and at the Navarra Parliament in Pamplona. The call of Gipuzkoa was signed by the Gehitu and Loratuz Lotura associations, and by Navarra by the Federación Plataforma Trans, Transkolore, Ilota Ledo, Despertrans, Naiz, Dekumas, EHGAM Navarra, Kattalingorri and the E28 platforms of Navarra.

The mobilizations have demanded the approval of the Trans Act in the Government of Spain. Because the PSOE and the United Nations We Can committed to passing the law as soon as 2022 closes. By the end of November, however, the PSOE has brought 37 appeals to the law, resulting in a delay in the processing. On Monday afternoon, the amendments will be discussed in the Committee on Equality of the Congress of Deputies and voted on. One possible option is for the PP to support the PSOE amendments, which would condition the evolution of the law. After the screening of the Equality Committee, the law will be discussed in the plenary of the Congress of Deputies.

The point of gender self-determination is the one that has aroused the most discrepancies. The bill initially presented provided that minors could request in the Civil Registry the modification of the reference to their sex without the need for judicial approval. However, the PSOE aims to limit this point and to establish judicial approval as a necessary condition for the change to be made for those under 16 years of age.

In early November, before the PSOE filed appeals, the LGTBI groups of the Basque Country complained. Through a declaration against the amendments that restrict the rights of the Transs, they denounced the obstacles that are being imposed on the Trans Law in the Spanish Congress and demanded the deputies of Hego Euskal Herria with representation in the Spanish Parliament to encourage the adoption of the law.

Interpellation of PSOE members and exclusionary feminists

In this statement, the groups warned of the need to pass the law, stressing that the prolongation of the law process and the conflict that has arisen in the wake of the law entails an increase in transphobia: "It has created a growing enmity every week. They insult us, they despise us and they question us. Trans identities are the subject of tertulias in which everyone has the right to comment, and as this happens, the climate of violence is growing against us. A debate full of lies opens, eager to discredit, to keep moving away from society". Saturday’s reading of the mobilization of Pamplona also showed this aspect, among others. They denounced that "social involution" is taking place and hate crimes against trans people are being reinforced.

However, in this case, and understanding that there is a difference in the origin of the phobia, they noted the following: "On this occasion, the fear of losing privilege and phobia comes from cis women in power positions. They have shown that they are well aware of defending their interests, but they do not defend other disadvantaged groups very well". Thus, they ended the reading demanding that the members of the PSOE and the feminists who with the channels are mutually exclusive a change of attitude. "You are still in time to choose the right part of history," they were corrected.

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