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The conference "From Tosu to the Uribe coast" will open the debate of urbanism to the region

  • The Tosu Perpetual Assembly announces the "From Tosu to the Uribe Coast" initiative, which will take place from September 10 to 22. They want to denounce that "the future of the people is planned by a few, without taking into account the opinion of the population". The days will end with a march between Erandio and Gorliz. The fight against the parking lot in Ibarbengoa "has been a visible face of the problem that exists in our region," said the collective. They criticize the fact that the design of the villages of the Uribe Coast is in the hands of a few and does not take into account the opinion of the majority: "Our lands have become objects of speculation, the last green spaces are covered with cement in the name of profit." They emphasize that the Tosuco was only a struggle that arose in this context; "but since the problem is global, the response must be global." For this reason, in Leioa, Gorliz, Berango, Urduliz and Getxo, from 10 to 22 September, will be held a conference that "analyzes the problems that exist in each locality, with the aim of raising awareness and forming a movement that addresses the issue". The initiative will end with a march from Erandio to Gorliz between September 21 (baricua) and 22 (zapado). In the Bariku trail they will go from Erandio to Getxo, and the next day, after sleeping in Getxo, they will depart to Gorliz. The topics covered in the verbales will be: Plencia-Gorliz (youth center): the problems of the villages for the summer. Urduliz: developmentalism and agriculture. Berango: problems of sleeping cities. Algorta: Details of the participatory municipal processes. Impeachment: the corruption. The journalist will speak. Organized by members of the Greater Valley. In Leioa: transport.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

04 September 2018 - 11:21
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Remember the Tour in Algorta
On Sunday in the Old Port of Algorta a commemorative act of eight years of struggle between Basque prisoners was held. Tosu's tent was first occupied in 2011. Since then, environmentalists have made a long journey.

2018-06-06 |
Tosuko landagunean “jarduera ekonomikoen parkea” eraiki nahi dutela salatu dute herritarrek

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2018-03-12 | Hiruka .eus
Ibarbengoako sabotajea gaitzetsi dute erakundeek, eta Tosu Betirakok legitimatu

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2018-02-22 | Hiruka .eus
Tosu landaren aldeko borrokaren “kriminalizazio saiakera” salatu dute

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Aman Komunak
“Ez gara jabetzen herri mugimenduak Euskal Herrian duen indarraz”

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2017-12-19 | Hiruka .eus
Obrek botatako zuhaitz bat utzi dute Algortako Batzokian, “Tosuko txikizioa” salatzeko

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2017-11-13 | Andoni Mikelarena
“Tosuko obra atzeratzen dugun egun bakoitzeko, gertuago dago proiektua geratzeko aukera”

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Eguneraketa berriak daude