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"The documentary helps alleviate the torture wound in the mother and daughter"

  • Two respiratory documentaries feature the tortured prisoner Iratxe Sorzabal and his mother. The process begun two years ago has culminated in an act in which the economic benefits obtained have been donated to two associations: Harrera eta Axut! The event had exciting moments and when Sorzabal himself called his mother by telephone, he received a direct applause from those present.
Kima Arzuaga eta Jon Mikel Fernandezek loresorta bat oparitu zioten Mari Nieves Diaz Iratxe Sorzabalen amari, ekitaldi bukaeran. Argazkiak: Mikel Garcia / ARGIA CC-BY-SA

20 May 2024 - 06:01
Last updated: 07:17
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The cultural association Muara de Hondarribia has celebrated an act of gratitude and transparency on Friday afternoon. The partnership was full of people. The presentation was by Jaime Altuna and the songs of Urbil Artola have delighted the moment. The trailer of two respiratory documentaries has opened the act: the story focuses on the relationship between Iratxe Sorzabal and his mother Mari Nieves Díaz. The case of the Iraqi prisoner is the starting point for dealing with torture more broadly.

The director and screenwriter Jon Mikel Fernández was the first to speak. He has stressed that it has been a beautiful and enriching process, but that it has had hard times, because “the story we have worked is not of all kinds: torture, sexist repression, motherhood… I had many doubts in my head, about my role, but thanks to Kima and Irache and their confidence I advanced”. Later, the success of the premiere in Irún, the election for the San Sebastian Film Festival and the prolific trajectory of the documentary. “He has achieved the goal of two breaths, spreading the reality of torture and, furthermore, does not cure the injury that torture has caused to the mother and daughter, but does help to alleviate it. Irache told us a year ago that the documentary has also helped him overcome the trauma of torture, and that’s a big deal.” Fernández thanks the generosity of his mother and daughter for having shown her personal wound, which has made her tremble within many viewers, feel what they have seen. “The fight against torture is a long-breathing struggle and this is one more step. I am proud and happy with what has been done.”

"I felt overwhelmed by the scale of the project, but the issue of torture had to be taken to the streets, there have been many other cases before my daughter"

The protagonists of the documentary have been heard in video and audio. Mari Nieves Díaz said that he had planned something small and colloquial at the beginning, and that he felt something overcome with the dimension that the project has acquired, “but the issue of torture had to be taken to the streets, before my daughter many other cases have passed and some have stayed on the way.” He wanted to thank the people who have been behind the project and to stress that this does not end here: “Remember all those people who are still in prison, because they have given their love and their youth for Euskal Herria; always remember them, please; for me, all those who are inside are my children.”

Tortured Confessions: “Forget the Big”

Iratxe Sorzabal comments on the importance of putting faces and voices to torture to disseminate, sensitize and denounce this reality. It indicates that these objectives have been achieved in view of the expansion of Bi arnas. “Torture is not a thing of the past, we are still more than a hundred people suffering the consequences of torture. It’s time for prisoners to come home, and that’s collective work.” And he wanted to dedicate the last words to his mother, to the mothers of all the tortured and repressive: “Forget about the great ones. Recognition of you, of you. A kiss to everyone.”

Suddenly, the phone rings in the room, Mari Nieves is Diazen's cell phone, grabs and says aloud, "He is, Iratxe da." Sorzabal hears a applause across the phone. He sends a hug back.

Most of the benefits have been allocated to the Harrera Association, which works to support those who have just left prison. Axut of the Fuchs brothers! the theater group has also donated money

Saved in drawer by ETB

The producer and founder of the project, Kima Arzuaga, has given data: the documentary has performed about 110 performances, most of them in the Basque Country, and in most sessions have been Arzuaga, Fernández or Nekane Txapartegi to dialogue after the audiovisual. TV3 bought the rights of the documentary, doubled it and gave it in prime time: nearly 200,000 people saw it. “That’s why ETB also bought the rights, but they have the documentary kept in the drawer and we suspect they won’t throw it, that if you’re going to throw it, it’s not please at four in the morning.” Kanaldude has also released the documentary and Arzuaga has said that despite the closure of Friday, they still have projections.

Crowdfunding was launched to take the project forward and most of the EUR 20,000 that have been used to produce the documentary have been individual contributions (the quantities have been read in a poster stuck on the wall). And see if the actions have finally brought economic benefit. “What to do with that money? It is clear to us that it will not be – Arzuaga explained – that we have already paid, not in money, but in experience, and we have thought that most of the benefits will be handed over to the Host Association.” Reception works to help and support newcomers from jail. In addition, Axut has allocated a smaller amount! to the collective, to the theater group of the Fuchs brothers, “for their great political and social work”. During the process of two harnesses, they accompany them.

Mari Nieves Díaz has finally received a bouquet of flowers from the producer and director, and Urbil Artola has shaken the guitar. Then, the opportunity to continue eating, drinking and talking has been extended to the limit, as it is to celebrate the strength and the mark that will leave that occurrence that was simply born.

Jon Mikel Fernandez thanks her mother and daughter for showing her personal injury.
The producer and founder of the project, Kima Arzuaga, has given data: the documentary has performed about 110 performances, mostly in the Basque Country.

Iratxe Sorzabal called his mother in the middle of the act. He was also able to hear on the phone the applause they offered him.
The musician Urbil Artola also participated.


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