"We're going to spend 20 years burning paradises," says Bilgune Feminist members. "A tax paradise, familiar, a heteropatriarchal capitalist paradise. Everything for some and built only for some. Bright and nice in sight. But it was a mistake, a lie. Since the birth of the Feminist Center of Euskal Herria, we have wanted to remove the masks from the paradises, to put them in conflict, to be uncomfortable. Until it explodes.
With the aim of celebrating twenty years of history, they have announced that in the coming months they will meet in towns, squares, txokos and gaztetxes. "We will strengthen the network of Bilgune Feminist, on the road to the construction of a sovereign and feminist Basque Country. We will meet at the Feminist Topagune that we are organizing on June 11 and 12, at the outbreak of the anniversary." The programme includes performances by bertsolaris, a creative fair and several workshops and concerts.
"We pose the feminist solution to the conflict, we nullify the debate of the political subjects, we are sewing the collective feminist leadership, we reaffirm ourselves in our commitment to assume the white privileges by taking a different view from ours, in the midst of the multiple crisis, we are vibrating the care system. The feminist sovereignty of Euskal North Herria, we will continue to burn paradises until all of them erupt!"
On March 8, the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country announced a strike in favor of the public care system for the fall, as care cannot remain business. Now, through the streets, through the neighborhoods, through the villages, you have to articulate the movement of that... [+]
Hogei urte beteko ditu aurten Bilgune Feministak, eta urtemugaren ospakizunari merezi duen tokia egin diote urteko eginbeharren zerrendan. 20 urtez paradisuak erretzen... Eztandak dardara gaitzala lelopean, datozen hilabeteetan hainbat herritan ospakizun ekimenak egiteko asmoa... [+]