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Titanic tourists and Mediterranean migrants: life is not worth the same

  • Tourists who visited the Titanic are still lost at sea. The United States and Canada are launching a major operation to rescue them. In Greek waters, however, at least 80 refugees have been killed and at least 500 remain missing.

22 June 2023 - 07:30
Last updated: 14:52

The submarine of the five tourists who have visited the Titanic and the boat that has sunk in the Greek waters with 700 refugees have shown its "value". Rescue aircraft have been used for tourists, boats, special supplies, etc., The US and Canada have implemented the operation in a coordinated manner. On the contrary, in the case of the ship sunk in Greek waters, the situation is different: At 10:00 he noticed the serious situation and at 01:40 in the evening the rescue teams began to move.

Nor is the attitude of the coastguard the same. John Mauger, the US coastguard, has stated that finding and rescuing tourists is “the primary goal.” However, an investigation calls into question the intervention of the Greek coastguards. According to the Coast Service, refugees were not at risk during their stay on the boat and denied their help. Activist Nawal Soufi contacted the migrants of the ship and explained to Italy, Greece and Malta the critical situation.

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