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Texas is building a “floating wall” that prevents migrants from crossing

  • The measure is a proposal by Texas governor Greg Abbott. It has previously pursued other aggressive policies against migrants: the establishment of concertina­tions, the creation of border patrols and the deportation of migrants by bus to democratic states.

13 July 2023 - 10:39
Last updated: 12:08
Rio Granden instalatuko dituzten buia erraldoiak. Argazkia: Texaseko Segurtasun Saila.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The news is from El Diario. It will install the “wall” on the Rio Grande with giant buoys of 1.2 and 1.8 meters attached and anchored underwater through nets. In total, the plant has a budget of over $1 million. On Saturday, the first 300-meter stretch was placed in Eagle Pass, which borders the Mexican city of Piedras Negras.

Last year, 270,000 migrants moved from Eagle Pass to the United States. This year 44 drowned people have died in the attempt to cross the border. Human rights organisations have denounced that buoys will make the border more dangerous and more migrants will die because they will continue to try to enter.

The wall poses major environmental, political and economic problems. “Some animals will be caught in the nets and will not be able to leave,” said Tricia Cortez, head of the Rio Grande International Research Centre. Climate activists protest on both sides of the river. The wall is opposed to a pact signed by Mexico and the United States in 1970. The Treaty considers it necessary for both States to approve a structure that could alter the course of the river. Finally, they denounce the damage that will be caused to several companies by limiting the use of the river.

Wall on trial

Jessie Fuentes, leader of a canoeing travel company, Rio Grande visit, sues Governor Abbott for the damage the wall will cause to his company. The company’s attorney states that the governor does not have “legal authority” to install buoys. Abbott indicates that the complaint will reach the Supreme Court on its twitter account.

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