If you have made adaptations in the textbook of a subject and course and have taken a new edition, you will have no choice but to buy the family. Governments and municipalities grant special grants to cover the cost of textbooks (and the Government of Navarra has a free textbook programme, for example).
When it is not a new edition, reuse is becoming more and more common. Parents' associations usually organise second-hand markets and the lending system is used in the centres. For certain levels, the Solidary Loan for Textbooks programme is also under way at CAPV. To reuse a book, it is important to care for and keep the students who have previously had it in their hands organized. “Up to 4 years of Primary Education (boys and girls 9 to 10 years old) we recommend, stain, use every year the school material of students – we have been told from Ikaslekun –. From there, in addition to the usual book to improve the management in the classroom of the centers that use the loan and the educational experience of the students, we add the activity sheets, the students use the activity sheets and do not “dirty” the book and, in turn, have these exercises ordered”.
Digital teaching materials have been linked to paper textbooks for years. Students have explained that 100% digital textbooks are offered from the 5th grade of Primary Education, not for lower levels, but the use of digital supplements along with paper textbooks is also very common in previous courses.
Finally, it should be borne in mind that the teaching material goes beyond textbooks and that other materials and accessories to face the course also have an economic weight in households. According to a study conducted in the Spanish state, the beginning of the course will be the most expensive of all times: EUR 500 per child.
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