Oier Araolaza ended her five-year research in summer and began the bureaucratic work of presenting the thesis. "Preparing the papele, the bureaucracy and the proposal for the tribunal has been a race of unimaginable fences, yes. If preparing everything once is complicated, I have had to do it twice. The second week of September, when we had everything ready, they changed the regulation." By 9 September he had already finished, but he suffered a month of forced delay.
With the change in regulations, the completed forms were no longer valid because other forms were needed. The court ' s proposal was worthless, because the number and conditions for candidate status had been changed and made more difficult.
He went to collect signatures with the new forms and the candidature for the tribunal became an impossible mission. At the University, the group of dance experts is not too big, and if it was difficult to find doctors for Araolaza, with the new rules almost impossible: three incumbent members, two permanent members, two from the UPV/EHU, four of the other four have to be from different institutions, one from outside the university system but from a foreign public research institution, two members have to be academics from two sexyrs, and they have to justify an important publication.
A list of those who met the requirements was rejected by all means, claiming that there was no money to bring "foreigners" (according to Araolaza, in this case the foreigner is Bordeaux, but not Madrid).
On October 14, Araolaza returned to the registration of the UPV/EHU the whole set of papers, restored above all the fences. He replied: "He deposited the thesis on the day of the start of the new academic year and must therefore pay the tuition fee."
As Araolaza has clarified, she has paid 5 years of PhD tuition: 3 have been common, the fourth has been the extension, and the fifth has been the authorised extraordinary extension. 5. when making such registration, he was presented with a date: 9 November 2019, as the last day for the thesis registration. Therefore, when it was registered on 14 October, it was within the deadline.
In recent weeks, the court for judging the thesis should have already appointed and authorised the defence, but instead of complying with the rules and processing it, the UPV/EHU has suspended the procedure: it has blocked the collection of a further fee.
They have recommended that Araolaza go to a figure like the Ararteko of the UPV/EHU, the Aldezle, but he says he has not found time to meet him for a month. It is also trying to do so with other means of redress.
All of this has been extracted from two threads written by Oier Araolaza:
Lau mila karaktere ditut kontatu behar dudana kontatzeko. Esan behar ditut gauzak argi, zehatz, soil, eta ahalko banu polit, elegante, egoki. Baga, biga, higa. Milimetrikoki neurtu beharra dut, erregelaz markatu agitazioa non amaitzen den eta propaganda non hasi. Literarioki,... [+]
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