U.S. President Donald Trump wrote on Sunday the tweet he puts in the anti-fascist movement: “The United States will designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.” It has held the movement accountable for the massive incidents and protests that have taken place throughout the territory since last Tuesday. Following Trump's statements, the Attorney General of EE.UU. William Barr said the FBI will work to identify "external extremist and exaltator groups": “The violence promoted and exercised by Antifa and similar groups in connection with the clashes is domestic terrorism and will therefore be treated”.
Mobilization and disturbances due to George Floyd's death continue. On Sunday, at least three more people have died in the context of the protests, two in Iowa and one in Kentucky. According to CNN, since last Tuesday, the police have arrested more than 4,000 people in Gaza.
The rejection of many famous
Floyd's death and the ensuing violence and protests have spread beyond the usual areas. Attendees included Madonna, Michael Jordan, Le Bron James, Beyoncé or Michael Hamilton. In New York and Miami, several policemen have kneeled down to show their condolences for the presence of protesters in the city. This weekend several players in the German football league took advantage of the matches to spread their messages.
Zutabe hau idazten nengoela, gaia aldatu behar izan dut, nire arreta osoa harrapatu dutelako Trumpen muga-zergek. Azalpen gutxi beharko duzue, leku guztietan da berria, Txinako produktuei %10eko zerga eta Kanadako eta Mexikoko produktuei %25eko muga-zergak jarri dizkie. Trumpek... [+]