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Memory Network Osoa denounces that the Memorial Center for Victims of Terrorism is "discriminatory"

  • They call the citizens to mobilize tomorrow in Vitoria-Gasteiz, coinciding with the inauguration of the center, which will begin at 12:00. They have denounced that this is an "assault on coexistence", they have denounced.

31 May 2021 - 17:54

The Total Memory network, which brings together historical memory associations, appeared this Monday at noon in Vitoria-Gasteiz, a few meters from the Memorial Centre for Victims of Terrorism which will open on Tuesday. They have denounced that the centre is "discriminatory" and "exclusionary", as it has left out thousands of victims who are the responsibility of the State. “At this historic moment, we need constructive and comprehensive projects and dynamics that take into account all violations of human rights,” spokespersons Nerea Martínez and Josu Ibargutxi have pointed out, and have therefore described the inauguration of Tuesday as aggression against the victims.

Protest against the inauguration

The center, which will be inaugurated this Tuesday morning, will be attended, among others, by the lehendakari of the Basque Country, Iñigo Urkullu, the president of the Spanish Government, Perdo Sánchez and the president of the VI Felipe VI. King of Spain. “Unfortunately, today we have to see how they are going to open a center that works in a fragmented way our collective memory and that rejects much of reality,” said Martínez and Ibargutxi. The network Memoria Total has organized a concentration at the same time of the inauguration, at 12 noon, in the Plaza de los Fueros, under the motto Full report for coexistence, not discrimination between human rights violations

Reviews by EH Bildu

The inauguration was also rejected by EH Bildu. Unai Urruzuno and Eba Blanco, among others, have reported that the centre is dedicated to the care of victims: “There will be victims of first, second, third and fourth. And others are denied the status of victims.” The center will be a “memorialist bunker,” according to EH Bildu.



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