In the two news released on January 5 and 13, 2018, members of the EPPK were called “Basque political prisoners”, so in July 2018 a member of the EPPK had to testify at the police station. On this occasion, and for the same reason, he must appear on Wednesday morning at the Aoiz Court to testify by videoconference before a judge of the National Court. wished to recall that this is not the first attack he suffers, and in the same sense, he wanted to recall the attacks and closures that have already been suffered by other media from Euskal Herria by the State: Egin, Egin Irratia, Egunkaria, Ardi Beltza, Hautsi, Atea Ireki… In addition, in recent times, with the application of the Mordaza Law they have tried to condition the activity of some local media. There are, for example, the cases of journalists from Argia or Hala Bedi. Freedom of expression and freedom of the press in the Basque Country are still at risk, and that is unacceptable.
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Osasun artak biltzen ari da Pablo Gonzalez Moskun une honetan. Joan den astean, Poloniako Radomgo segurtasun handiko espetxetik atera zen kazetaria bi urte eta bost hilabeteko preso egon ondoan. Poloniak leporatzen zion espioitza frogatu gabe libre atera da.