The Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, has given a "firm yes" to the repeal of the regulatory ordinance for terraces, although he has specified that the measure is exceptional. This is reflected in the newspaper Noticias de Gipuzkoa. This has meant that bars that also occupy space on the street can, among other things, take more meters than they had before, which has already generated criticism. For example, among the neighbours of the Old Party.
In the note that the association Parte Zaharrean Bizi has made public in relation to this case, he pointed out that “the public space, the common space, is a collective right and it is not necessary to move from one place to another. It is also necessary to relate to create bonds between people, belonging, community and feelings of neighborhood. And today the massive occupation of public space by the hospitality industry makes that difficult.”
The Bizilagunak platform also does not welcome the possibility of granting special aid to the hospitality industry in the Gipuzkoan capital. This group of citizens concerned about the overcrowding of tourism has on Monday published their reading of the COVID-19 crisis, along with the network of SET cities, which make up the cities of southern Europe facing the tourist destination. The text urges public institutions not to rescue businesses that profit from tourism and to review public spending to target the most basic needs of society.
The deck ordinance also became more flexible without COVID-19
The relaxation of the terrace regulation announced after the first Governing Board held since 17 March is not the first such measure taken by Eneko Goia since his presence in the City of Donostiarra. In this case he referred to the situation caused by the coronavirus in the elaboration of the ordinance; in 2017, without further ado, he launched the regulatory modification procedures with the aim of strengthening the hospitality sector.
As a result, the bars have been granted permission to install the first terraces, as they currently have a longer schedule than before and have been able to access the same space.
Europar Batasunean berriki onartu den Migrazio Itunak, asko zaildu dizkie gauzak euren herrialdetik ihesi doazen eta asiloa eskatzen duten pertsonei. Eskuin muturraren tesiak ogi tartean irentsita, migratzaileentzako kontrol neurri zorrotzagoak onartu dituzte Estrasburgon,... [+]
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