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Conspiracy theories

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

To understand this neologism, widely used in the media and social networks in the last four years (and expanded by the emergence of the pandemic), let us analyze complementary terms: conspiracy and paranoia.

Conspiracy: Conspiracy is the unity of people and/or organizations who, depending on their interests, want to achieve something enthusiastically and therefore organize an action in an established system.

Paranoia: Paranoia is a mental illness. The patient, the only one who apparently manifests himself as a normal person. It has been known since classical times and has been studied in depth by psychoanalysts, especially by Freud and Lacan.

Paranoia is, in general, a consequence of homosexuality that is not accepted and self-repressed. The paranoid person, by not accepting what he considers a social sin, seeks to protect himself from the rejection that society would suffer if he knew it.

In the search for a solution to overcome this aggravating personal situation, the subconscious of the paranoid person takes advantage of any internal crisis of the current social system, using the special sensitivity it has to detect this type of situation.

As he is also in crisis, he has his blood to present himself as the savior of the overwhelmed society. This powerful desire to save others is nothing more than an imperative need to save oneself. And, at the same time, it serves as a symptom of manifestation of the disease.

They are not altruistic but deeply selfish approaches. The paranoid person uses the others, who need them as saviors, to shake the burden of guilt they carry on. He believes that, with that feat, society can forgive.

Every symptom calls our subjectivity and it has to be interpreted. That's why we say that Trump, as a symptom, is not causal. What is the truth behind this phenomenon?

What are the effects of these conspiracy theories on society? Since most conspiratorial people cannot be saviors, their diffusers want to create a subjective situation of deep anguish in a non-paranoid society, and what they seek in depth through a figure of the savior (Hitler, Musolini, Franco, Trump, Bolsonaro, etc.). that a fascist alternative of salvation is recognised as indispensable and that it is required as the only solution.

Instead of seeking a more just society (turning anguish into the value of transforming the unjust social reality through a political movement), the savior they need is the superego, the man of the savage law imposed by weapons. Then, what will mask the people, through the most reactive repressive, economic and social policies, to put it in the hands of the exploiters.

In short, every conspiracy theory is conceived and developed by paranoid people, with no basis or foundation – but with obsessive conviction – in a national and international crisis (social, political, epidemiological, identity, etc.). where they are attributed to clandestine powers.

Trump's symptom: Every symptom calls our subjectivity and it has to be interpreted. That's why we say that Trump, as a symptom, is not causal. What is the truth behind this phenomenon?

The special situation of the United States in which Trump presents himself as a savior is nothing more than the beginning of the decline of the world’s leading economic power vis-à-vis the Chinese capitalist superpower. In other words, the profound and irreversible crisis of the American and Western capitalist system.

This crisis is expressed, in particular, in the loss of the economic and symbolic power of white American supremacists. The combination of these two factors, the crisis/the need for a Savior, led him to the US presidency against all forecasts.

Who voted for him? Reactionary and white America (as a source of anguish, with the valuable support of QAnon and other movements), to which must be added the new clientele: the proletariat of the states desindustrialized by eviction).

What's Trump's message that people like this can vote? This has been the main focus: The greatness and economic and cultural superiority of the United States (America First, the historical motto of the Nazis of EE.UU.) It must be re-established, as the American elites themselves have abandoned it for the sake of the distant Chinese and the taxa demanded the transfer of technology to the transfugitive companies of the American eviction.

The crisis that brought all American Paranoids to light persists, and proof of this are Biden’s continued policies with China. On the contrary, instead of the supposed line of salvation focused on U.S. isolationism, Biden wants to float with the help of its historical allies abandoned by Trump

Trump, a good paranoid, sees his enemies everywhere: Ongoing attacks on China (Chinese coronavirus, customs duties, espionage complaints, etc.) ). ); WHO exit, NATO criticisms, EU fees, immigration control to protect jobs in the US, etc.

He does not want anyone to criticise his behaviour next door (multi-resolution, abrupt). Likewise, the obsession with controlling everything through social networks (Twiter...) leads to the production and dissemination of information. Although no one has dared to point out his paranoia, the election result, which he considers manipulated by his enemies, the rejection and negationism of the coronavirus led Congress and public opinion to question his mental health.

That is, Trump, preaching the salvation of his country in crisis, thus sought, for the social recognition of the United States, the healing of his illness.

The crisis that brought all American Paranoids to light persists, and proof of this are Biden’s continued policies with China. On the contrary, instead of the supposed line of salvation focused on U.S. isolationism, Biden wants to make the United States float with the help of its historical allies abandoned by Trump. In fact, this action may delay the decay process, but it cannot stop it. It is a historic law.

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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