Convened by different groups, the three cities have been the scene of protests against fascism, which has negative consequences. As a result of the incidents, several people have been injured by the burdens of the Ertzaintza. A 19-year-old woman, a neighbor of Bilbao, has suffered the most serious injuries and an ertzaina has shot her face with a foam shell and broken her jaw.
In Errenteria, link between the noise of a saucepan and the bustle
In the event of Errenteria, in addition to Rivera, the MEP Maite Pagazaurtundua and the philosopher Fernando Savater have taken the floor, between buildings with giant yellow ties, noises of pots and shouting of protesters.
The time when Albert Rivera left Errenteria was recorded by Aritz Intxusta, journalist of Gara:
That's how @Hello_Rivera de Errenteria
— Aritz Intxusta (@ArraidIntxusta) April 14, 2019
In the tweet of journalist Aitor Bengoa, loading the Ertzaintza:
Police load in Errenteria. In this way, the Ertzaintza riot has cleared the way for the attendees of the Albert Rivera rally to leave the place
— Aitor Bengoa Martín (@aitorbengoam) April 14, 2019
Tweet from the Antifascist Network:
#Errenteria #Antifascist Orereta #FckVox #Fascist Stop
— Sare Antifaxista (@Antifaxismoa) April 14, 2019
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Dirudienez, Euskal Herrian migrazioa arazo bilakatu da azken bi hamarkadetan. Atzerritarrez josi omen dira gure lurrak. Gure kultura arriskuan omen dago fenomeno “berri” horren ondorio. Lapurretak, bortxaketak, liskarrak… Bizikidetza arazo horiek guztiak... [+]
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