The anti-abortion movement has reinforced the campaign against the right to abortion, under the slogan "praying is not a crime". The mobilization was scheduled for Saturday, in procession, from the cultural center Koldo Mitxelena to the clinic of Amara Viejo. Some thirty people have persecuted the man carrying a large wooden cross in the procession, who has been arrested.
Called by feminist agents, after adorning the neighborhood in the morning with messages in favor of abortion and purple balloons, at 19:30 a concentration of twenty people had been convened in front of the clinic to express "our support for women* and workers who approach the clinic when the demonstration arrives".
With the arrival of the anti-abortion procession to the clinic, there were between 50 and 60 people waiting in the place and the tension has multiplied. Those attending the procession have begun to pray on the sidewalk and have been faced with cries of "long standing feminist struggle", "out of fascism" and "out of here, leave in peace", and the road has been cut off.
The Ertzaintza has intervened and forced the neighbors who had come to defend the clinic to push them to the other side. The situation has lasted for about 30 minutes, until those who prayed have left.
A month ago, members of the anti-abortion right assaulted a neighbor of Amara, in the neighborhood of the locality.
Irutxuloko Hitza has made a video-report with Saturday pictures.
A few weeks ago we heard Trump in the televised debate on the existence in his country of democratic states that authorize abortion after the birth of his son.
Judging by the character, it seems an absurd and improvised idea, but that same falsehood was heard in 2019 by Adolfo... [+]
Abortuaren eskubidea Frantziako konstituzioan sartu da aste honetan. Baina abortatzeko eskubidea ez da gaur goizeko afera. Jadanik 1970. hamarkadaren hasieran mugimendu azkarrak izan ziren eskubide horren erdiesteko Ipar Euskal Herrian.
Espainiako Estatuan Abortuaren aurkako lobbyak Abortuaren Legea erausteko beste saiakera bat egiten ari dira Gaztela eta Leonen. Hango gobernukide den Vox-ek iragarri du abortatu nahi duten emakumeei fetuaren taupadak entzunarazi edota ekografiak ikusaraziko dien protokoloa... [+]