The film of Esnal focuses on the "hypnotic universe of traditional dance", as reported by the production company Chinchua Films and has involved professionals such as Koldobika Jauregi, Juan Antonio Urnegro or Pascal Gaigne, among others, in the production design, choreographer work and the creation of the music of the film, respectively.
Some Spanish and Catalan directors who have previously competed in the Festival’s Official Selection will also repeat this year: The most recent works by Iciar Bollain, Rodrigo Sorogoyen, Carlos Vermut and Isaki Lacuesta will compete in this edition.
It's not the norm that an animation documentary is awarded with the public's prize. But Another day of Life is also not an animation work to use. Firstly, because part of the great war journalist Ryszard Kapuściński, from whom the book and the words are inspired A more vivid... [+]
Without making much noise, Isaki Lacuesta has already won two Golden Shells at the San Sebastian Film Festival in this decade. The first one seemed rather controversial, as in 2011 he brought to the Official Section The Steps, a rather ambitious work, with rather exaggerated... [+]