In the second quarter of 2020, the number of women teleworking in the Spanish State was higher than that of men, according to the Labour Force Survey. According to the portal, several experts and unions have extended the alert: it is women who are taking over the working days at home to ensure compatibility with care tasks. Meanwhile, men are still in regular employment.
Economist Libertad González has conducted a study on the gender gap in the labor market and care during the pandemic. He stressed that there are up to eight points of difference between women and men; in the second quarter, for example, 21% of women domestic workers worked at home and 14% of men employed. In addition, during this period, the phases ranging from strict confinement to “new normality” are taken into account, but not the later phase, as there are no data yet.
For González, this gap is evident in two aspects. On the one hand, women have more jobs, in general, "teleworkable", related to administration. Although part of the trade or hospitality industry is feminized, part of the construction and industry are masculinized and all of these sectors require a face-to-face workforce. On the other hand, he said that labor flexibility "comes from the hands of women". According to a study by the National Statistical Institute (INE), telework is more frequent in couples with sons and daughters as workers advance in age. In 2019, the number of men employed in teleworking was higher than that of women, but this year this trend has turned upside down.