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Gaita brings together voices in Basque for new technologies

  • The Government of Navarra and the Basque Government have launched a campaign for the teaching of Euskera to machines and new technologies. The initiative aims to ensure the presence of Euskera in the digital sphere, as current technologies require huge masses of textual and oral data.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

03 October 2023 - 07:53
Last updated: 10:00

Under the motto 'Add our voices', the campaign invites Basque speakers to enter the portal to record their voice and thus contribute to the Basque culture and development.

They explain that the greater the number of voices and recordings in Basque, the greater the number of data and material that the new technologies will have to work. Thus, by accessing the portal, the platform will propose two tasks. On the one hand, you can read a written phrase while it is recorded out loud. Once done, the portal will propose to the user a new phrase and it can be repeated as many times as desired aldiz.Beste that a phrase recorded by another speaker is provided validated. To do so, it will be proposed to the user to listen to a phrase and its function will be to give for good what is in the phrase and what is understood, if it is OK, indicating that it is OK and if it is not correct, warning him that it is not correct. This option can also be repeated as many times as desired.

The initiative has come forward thanks to the Common Voice international initiative. It's an open, nonprofit, collaborative project. Voice input in 'Common Voice' has already started in 105 languages and is being prepared almost so often.

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