Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Explanations by the technicians: Ammonia and metals in water, risk of garbage jumps and 12-15 hour days

  • These are the people who appeared on 17 February before more than 500 neighbours and neighbours of Ermua: Jesús Peña Martínez, Secretary General of the Presidency; Ignacio Berraondo, Vice-Minister of Health; Arkarazo Zabalaga, Environmental Technician; Joseba Bidauzaga, Deputy Director of Public Health; Iñigo Elosegi, Managing Director of the Water Consortium of Gipuzkoa; Saioa Ferro

18 February 2020 - 10:00
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The most controversial issue was health (summarized in this news). Other important issues discussed were:

They detect ammonia and several metals in the water

Josu Perea has given detailed explanations about the measurements carried out in the water, and has given a new information: ammonia has been detected in the leachate "in the usual percentage of leachate waters". Of the 85 measured parameters, you already have the data of 75. A low presence of organic solvents, hydrocarbons and metals such as cadmium, nickel and selenium has been detected in leachate waters." Volume increase of discharges: "The landfill is no more than three litres per second today. But it's growing.

The risk of waste dropping remains high

As Jesús Peña Martínez explained, the table of experts in geotechnics meets every day, in parallel, with the technical table. This is a meeting place for geologists. "Why?" Well, a large piece of land has fallen, but there is still more ground on the hillside, at risk of falling." As a result, the search for buried personnel is carried out in non-stabilized areas, although, according to their forecasts, the greatest potential for localization is in the destabilized area. To quell the fire, you can't flush out large amounts of water, because the waste could take weight, move the dough and make a waste leap again. And the urgent repair of the storm water drainage structure is urgent to prevent the movement of waste.

Saioa Ferro: "We work 12-15 hours a day, without rest"

Saioa Ferro: "We have been working from February 6 between 12 and 15 hours a day, all inclusive Sundays. We're working on the flare of the water, air and health technicians, we send all the data stream to process them." On more than one occasion he presented the empathy that restless work provoked in the public, but also the doubt of whether sufficient resources are being put into this type of work and whether it is good for public health to act in this way: first for the workers' own health, and if the technical work that requires so much stress and concentration can be well performed in these conditions.

Responsibility: If serious decisions are to be taken, that of the political bureau

Jesús Peña Martínez explains: Since 13 February, the Technical Monitoring Bureau has been meeting every day, with around 20 members. There are five departments of the Basque Government represented and daily information is coordinated. They are not a research bureau or a political bureau.

This clarifies the scheme of responsibilities, asked by a member of the public about the graduation of decisions and by the final person: "This table provides technical information, but the decisions are taken by the interinstitutional bureau. If serious decisions were to be taken, the decision would be taken by politicians," said Lehendakari at a press conference.

What is campaigning?

During his initial speech, Saioa Ferro pointed out that "we have a disgrace, and that is that it has touched us on an electoral process, and that is what is giving us the opinion and the use that is made outside our work". Rumours of disapproval were reported in the public. In the space reserved for the questions asked after the explanations, one citizen told him: "You have been the first to refer to elections and election results. And what does this scene mean today?

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