Emiliano López Atxurra highlighted in the article "A Passport for Security" the need for a State Pact in La Vanguardia at the state level and the main axes that, in his opinion, should be articulated. Having recalled that without Europe today Spain would be "devastated by the blackest horses in history" and the importance that Europe's Structural Funds have had in modernising this country, he claimed "the State Pact, the objective of which is to articulate an economic and techno-industrial strategy, to defend in the great house [Europe it is] and to participate actively in the technological and industrial ecosystem of Europe".
As the pandemic has brought us to an unprecedented level of indebtedness, this State Pact is essential: "Our security is at stake. We border Africa, which is very weak and weakened by the pandemic. (...) Insecurity becomes a great wave and aggravates social stability."
In this panorama, says López Atxurra, "it is important that this State Pact contemplates Defense as a pillar of first order to strengthen our participation in the European techno-industrial ecosystem. It is not appropriate to see two opposing worlds, on the one hand, the one that is civil and, on the other, the one that is [military] defense. Technology and industry are a single whole, and more now."
In his article, López Atxurra has cited two more elements of that pact. On the one hand, "a look at the Iberoamerican geo-economy. Their future is our future. Its productive economy will offer us in the next decades an important economic space in the new economic and technological geopolitics". Secondly, that the creation and culture industry should also be included in this State Pact, and that it has also been organized with a view to Latin America: "Without a creative industry, we will hardly be able to become an interesting axis for the audiovisual industry and be a benchmark for the Latino world," he added.
Tecnalia, with 1,500 employees (two of them hundreds of doctors), was founded in 2010 by a dozen companies already strong in Research and Development (Fatronik, Inasmet, Labein, Robotiker..), and has since become the main reference in this field in the Basque Autonomous Community, from any agricultural research (Neiker-Tecovid-19).
In addition to Tecnalia, lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu has a very close advisor, Emiliano López Atxurra, who is also president of Petronor. Following the Catalan referendum on independence in October 2017, Carles Puigdemont mediated Urkullu not to make a unilateral declaration of independence.