The Government of Navarra is working on an amendment to the Foral Police's weapons regulations to introduce, among other things, a taser gun. The Foral Police, through the Directorate General for the Interior, has submitted a proposal requesting that the Electronic Control Device (DEC or taser) be recognised as a regulatory weapon in the section on “other weapons”. In addition, the same request proposes to include 17 HRM Errifle in the section on “Models of Long Firearms”. According to the police, “both adapt to the functions and actions of the different units of the Foral Police”, according to Noticias de Navarra. Although Article 5.1 of the Spanish Royal Decree 137/1993 regulates the use of the Taser for “specially qualified officials”, it is expected that the implementation of these weapons will take place in September in the weapons regulations of the Foral Police of Navarra.
In Navarra, municipal agents of Pamplona, Peralta, Funes, Falces, Azagra, San Adrián, Cintruénigo, Cascante, Valtierra y Corella have taser pistols, although they are not included in the regulations. The Municipal Police of Peralta has had electric pistols since 2016 and in eight years the taser has been used four times, three of them by the same municipal officers. In Pamplona/Iruña the taser gun was used for the first time in June of this year in the district of Buztintxuri. The one used by the Municipal Police of Pamplona is the Taser T7 pistol and the municipal police “follow a specific protocol that regulates the use of the weapon”. It's a short-range weapon that can immobilize people through electric shocks.
History of the Taser gun
The use of Taser pistols has been the subject of debate in recent years. In Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) a man with a psychotic outbreak died in February of this year after his family reported that the Ertzaintza "had intervened violently." The Department of Security of the Basque Government said that the agents who acted against the victim did not use taser gun, but the family of the deceased filed a complaint with the Court of Instruction No. 5 of Donostia-San Sebastián for "wear and abrasions" and because "brands that were compatible with the taser gun" were appreciated, according to News from Gipuzkoa.
Amnesty International said that between 2001 and 2012, nearly 500 people were killed by taser guns in the United States, according to the 2013 BBC report. “Undoubtedly, a taser can cause sudden death. That’s absolutely clear,” said Douglas P., a researcher and cardiologist at Indiana University of Health. Zipes to the BBC
2021eko martxoaren 8an Nafarroako Parlementuaren inguruetan egindako ekintza baten harira, istiluak jaso ziren feministen eta Poliziaren artean. Gertakariaren ondorioz, bi emakume zauritu egin ziren, eta horietako bat atxilo eraman zuten. Atxilotutakoari 15 hilebeteko... [+]