Tapia and Leturia
When: 20 September.
Where: LABA (Pamplona).
A month ago I saw for the last time in Elgoibar square. After the concert was over, Tapia came to greet and said, “What, Amets, and when are we going to play at LABA?” My brain was surprisingly fast. “On September 20, what do you think?” (Olaia Inziarte’s intelligent refusal for that day had been received hours before). “Late, is it free on September 20?”, “mmm… yes.” “There we will be Amets.”
Say and do. One of the most iconic couples in Euskal Herria has reached the close of Plaza del Castillo five minutes earlier than agreed. The weekend are the festivities of the Casco Viejo de Pamplona and as a heating exercise, on Wednesday the programming of the Sanfermin-Txiki starts in LABA. “With this we’ve stuck a lot, when Tapia and Leturia were wedding band,” he tells us a smile in Tapia’s mouth as we take the sound equipment out of the car.
Next year will be 40 years playing together and today, returning to the initial format, they have decided to give the songs of their time. Starting with the heavy pasacalles, he has pulled out his pocket and has zoomed the adult man who was on my left at the hands of Leturia, told me “we are pandero apprentices”, excited by the one he had on my right.
Because I love you follows him. “Barka this gipuzkoan humor” has released the usurbildarra Bien making the t-shirt to be of Pamplona.Han again invite to dance with Ene Maialen. And I've seen it willingly in Maddal's front row, but it was still too early. “Change your partner,” says Tapia and look at those who are still timid for dance. “In real life, and” adds the singer in laughter.
Both started their journey alone in this music world, but soon came technology and with it the rhythm box. LABA, with the rhythm box, explodes Festa's songs at party. The image is as simple as beautiful: everyone is very happy. They have also touched the critikisimas, as could not be otherwise, Besamotza, Wafa, pilgrim of Compostela… alternating with fandango, arin-arin and porrusaldas. In addition to shame, more than one has taken shoes off for dance.
When I got here, my expectations were already overwhelmed and I noticed that my cheeks would give me some pain when I would stop smiling. But then came my two favorite moments, one after the other: the universal conga (yes, also made by Iñigo Soria de Tatxers) and the musician Julen Goldarazena and actor Oier Zuñiga singing and singing my party… dropping the masks of the “artists” without objection…
Marriage is not in principle one of the plans, but if life matched me up to something like that, do not hesitate to celebrate it with wedding band.
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WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
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