Education defender Matiullah Wesa is arrested on Monday in Kabul. The United Nations Afghanistan Relief Mission (UNAMA) has denounced the activist ' s arrest and called on the Taliban government to clarify the reason, as can be read from the Twitter social network.
Afghan activist Matiullah Wesa is the creator of the Pen Path campaign. The aim of the campaign is to move education to rural areas and reopen secondary schools and universities so that women receive education. A mobile library has also been installed. Since the Taliban came to power over a year and a half ago, women have not been able to return to classrooms.
During this time Wesa has worked intensively for women’s right to education and access to schools or universities. His last appearance was on Sunday, when he shared a video on social media. There are women volunteers from the Pen Path campaign who protest about the right to education. It says the Chio below: "Men, women, the elderly, young people, every corner of the country are claiming Islamic rights to education for their daughters."
Men, women, elderly, young, everyone from every corner of the country are asking for the Islamic rights to education for their daughters. Penpath female volunteers calls for girls education and their rights to education #PenPathGirlsEduCampaign #PenPathGirlsEduCampaign
— Matiullah Wesa??? ???? (@matiullahwesa) March 26, 2023
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