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"Hiru Damatxo is a space for those of us who form the team to live well."

  • "What is most important to us is that we know how to take into account and adapt to each other's needs and situations." Three Damites started up among three people, and from that friendship, they were made natural to operate based on trust, which takes into account other non-labor needs... since then there are more than three damiselas and are content to know how to bring that functioning among friends to the people who have later joined the project: "It also gives them that space and puts their needs at the center," and it does so from trust as at first, without systematizing it.
Artikulu hau CC lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

03 March 2021 - 07:43

In this course the group has been renovated: in September two new colleagues have entered and a veteran has left him to do the thesis. "Despite the fact that the context of the pandemic was not conducive to this, Quinteto has compressed very well in the group. In addition to maintaining the dynamic of groups, we have begun a new dynamic." In these first months, the care of the process of incorporation of new members was prioritized, with the maximum possible presence: "The end of the summer gave us the opportunity and we took advantage of it, and once we have taken the march, we already have less time together, but we are united and firm," he said.

Be, go and go back to more things

"We carry out audiovisual works from a given perspective and arising from the Basque Country, but for us the road is so important, that it is a stimulating project, that it is stimulating, and that it is stimulating what implies not giving absolute priority to the projects". Hiru Damatxo "is a space for those of us who are part of the group to live well." As they have explained, on many occasions they have prioritized the well-being of the members of the group in the face of ambitious projects: one went away for a year and made it easier for him to do so; when another member wanted to get more involved in his personal trajectory, they adapted so that he did not have to abandon Three Ladies; they all charge the same, but when there have been economic circumstances they have looked for ways for some to charge earlier.....

Trust is the key

"We don't have it systematized. We are a small group, the meetings we do in confidence and in them we each set out our needs. We have this tendency or custom from the very beginning but it's not regulated." They have responded to each case with the formula that best suited them: establishing different levels of involvement in the project, adapting schedules and workplaces... "It's important for us to meet once or twice a week and face up to group tracking and project creativity, but from there we're very flexible so everyone can work from wherever they want and need."

How and what to do

For a year and a half they have gone deeper into the path they want to take: the audiovisual network: "In daily consumption there is a great shortage of audiovisual media on the Internet and there is an important item from both the point of view of the Basque Country and the local and its references. Here we have focused, not precisely because we have found a business opportunity, because the truth is that nowadays it is not a space to develop a project with peace of mind, but it is because we believe it will be a very important field for the future".

They want to make audiovisual productions online, but taking care of all the agents: "Normally, there is very little care in audiovisual productions. It's paid late, things don't say clear, things are done very quickly with a limited budget, it's a cold sector based on superficial relationships... we try to turn it around and have other kind of relationships with the hired collaborators, with the actors... we try to establish another kind of relationship."


Cooperative Hiru Damatxo

What it does: Communication services and their own ideas. Audio-visual of all kinds, design work, communication strategies…

Workers or partners: 5.

Created: 2016.

Residence: Donostia-San Sebastián.

Contact: 943 47 48 01



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