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They present the Talaia Feminist dossier, a study of the year 2023 from a feminist and sovereign perspective

  • They present an interim dossier analysing the impact of the year 2023 on the feminist transition and on women in the Basque Country. They will close on February 17 at the Feminist Watchtower of Orereta/Errenteria.
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05 February 2024 - 10:10

Talaia Feminist presented the provisional dossier of the year 2023 at the Martin Ugalde cultural park in Andoain. Based on six main events of 2023, the dossier is based on six axes. We analyzed the impact of women and their transition to the Basque feminist state.

The main milestone for completing the final dossier will be 17 February: Talaia Feminista Unea will perform a broad collective exercise in Orereta/Errenteria Lekuona. All feminist and sovereign women in Euskal Herria have been invited to join before February 13.

"We are feminists, sovereigns and independentists, from different backgrounds, scopes and political struggles. We are not a feminist association, but we want to influence from feminism and from the left. We are part of the Basque sovereign process and are guided by the commitment to build a feminist Basque Country," explains Amaia Andrieu, a member of the promoter group.

Remember the landmark in Pamplona in December 2022: "We are committed to producing an annual dossier to analyze the current situation and the feminist transition in Euskal Herria." The promoter team has been working on this in recent months.

Andrieu highlights the plural character of the watchtower: "All participants do not necessarily share everything that appears in the dossier. It gives rise to discrepancies and constructive debate." But it brings together collective, holistic and transformative philosophies. "We want to collectively analyze the facts that surround us, affect us and adapt us." It is clear that these facts are intertwined: "This world in constant transformation is a complex polyhedron, with multiple faces and edges linked together forming a whole, a system." Talaia wants to contribute to the transformation of this system, socializing the ideas of radical feminist change: "We give it a transformative sense: we don't want to just talk or theorize, but we want to be a useful space to work a shared critical vision to create alliances and political subjects."

From now on to expansion

Maider Barañano explained the main aspects of the dossier: "We have analyzed six major events: time and the ecological crisis; the feminist strike of November 30; the increase in life; the aggression against the Basque Country; Rubiales, Mario López, PPDA and machista violence; and the ban on the abaya." It also explains why they have chosen these topics: "They open the way for us to connect different dimensions of the patriarchy (work, violence, state, social sphere, ecosystem) and to perform a feminist analysis of the situation in the Basque Country". In his words, the key to domination lies in the relationship between these dimensions.

Studies of these axes have a clear basis for a common conclusion and reading. This is precisely the task they are going to address now, as Idoia Zengotitabengoa has announced: "On February 17, at the Lekuona factory of Orereta/Errenteria, we will celebrate the Talaia Feminista Unea from 9:00 to 14:00. Hundreds of feminist and sovereign women from the Basque Country will join us." They state that there will be a general presentation of the dossier, the reflections of the working groups of each axis and a plenary of conclusions. "Besides deepening the contents, it will be a moment of encounter and relationship".

On 17 February, however, nothing will come to an end, once the final dossier is completed, it will be disseminated in order to share it with the social, trade union and political players and to intervene in their agendas. "For feminist transformation we must intervene in public policies, in the community, in the media, in markets, in the common sense of people, in political, social and union agendas..." So the Feminist Watchtower arrives, strong and long-term

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