Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Fire at the Zubieta incinerator

  • From SOS Deiak it has been reported that a fire has been declared in the incinerator of Zubieta, which is controlled by smoke, as it has not yet been suffocated in the early afternoon of this Tuesday. Just one day earlier, the GHK announced that the incinerator was operating “normally”.

12 January 2021 - 16:02
Gorka Rubio / Foku

At the moment, the causes of the fire, which has already been suffocated, are unknown. In September there was the fire of the main transformer, which was launched just on Monday, when a fire took place. The GHK argued that the problem had been solved and that it was working normally.

Fourth accident

Since its testing in June 2019, the Zubieta incinerator has suffered four major accidents. In June, two claims were recorded in the processor, which again caused problems in September.

For its part, the GuraSOS platform has denounced that the tests are being carried out in Zubieta without homologating the oven.

In May last year, the Zubieta incinerator dumped Arkaitzerreka ammonia, and the investigation is open for an alleged ecological crime.

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