The fire occurred on Monday night, at 21:45 hours, according to Tele7 members of the gaztetxe. As they have explained, Sastraka was empty at 21:30 hours, and in a quarter of an hour a fire was declared on the facade and on the roof of the building. There was no one inside at the time of the fire, so no injuries were recorded in the fire. The intervention of the fire brigade has been necessary to quell the flames, which have been extinguished.
In statements to Tele7, sources of gaztetxe have pointed out that the fire has originated because of the flames. You've talked bluntly about it on your social media. “We have no doubt that the fire has been caused by a stranger.” Although the facts have yet to be clarified, the paintings found inside the building reinforce this hypothesis. Opening the door for firefighters to enter the building, a member of the gaztetxe observed painted on the walls. In the photographs taken you can read “Gora Ortuzar” and “Urkullu Dios”.
Two members of the Gaztetxe have opened the doors for the firefighters to enter, and at that time we managed to photograph some painted ones that were on the walls.
We are not opposed to gaztetxe. #SastrakaAurrera
— Sastraka Portueteko Gaztetxea (@SastrakaPassive) August 24, 2020
Gaztetxe Sastraka was occupied in July, after remaining empty for eight years, according to the Foral Police. In the past it was the Colegio El Carmen and is declared a heritage by the Basque Government.
On Tuesday morning the members of Sastre stated that they would not tolerate any attack on the local gaztetxe and called for a mobilisation. The demonstration, starting at 19:00 hours from Charles VII Metro Station in Portugalete, will be held on Tuesday night.
Ustez, lokalaren jabetza eskuratu dutenek bidali dituzte sarrailagileak sarraila aldatzera; Ertzaintzak babestuta aritu dira hori egiten. Birundak epaiketa bat irabazi du duela gutxi.
Protestak 24 ordu bete dituenean, suhiltzaileak bertaratu dira udaletxera eta kateak moztu dizkiete bi gazteei. Bi kateatuek gaua bertan igarotzea "udaletxearen hautua" izan dela adierazi du Gazte Asanbladak, eta udalaren ordezkariek "ekintza deslegitimatzeko eta bi... [+]
EH Bildu agintean dagoen udalak gaztetxearen etorkizuna ziurtatzeko aterabide bat adosteari "uko" egin diola salatu du Burlatako Gazte Asanbladak. Beste hainbat gaztek udaletxe kanpoan kanpatu dute, eta goizean zehar bertara hurbiltzeko dei egin dute.
Iruñerrian bat egin dute hainbat Gazte Asanbladak, Burlatako Gaztetxearen alde. Etxarriren desalojoa gelditzera deitzeko, bestalde, manifestazio bat antolatu dute Bilbon hilaren 28rako.
Asteburu honetan hasiko da Gaztetxeak Bertsotan egitasmo berria, Itsasun, eta zazpi kanporaketa izango ditu Euskal Herriko ondorengo hauetan: Hernanin, Mutrikun, Altsasun, Bilboko 7katun eta Gasteizen. Iragartzeko dago oraindik finala. Sariketa berezia izango da: 24 gaztez... [+]
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