“Bolintxu Bizirik. The demonstration, led by a banner with the slogan “Surpersur No Enlargement!”, started Arriaga on Saturday accompanied by several demonstrators wearing the masks of the Deputy General of Bizkaia, Unai Rementeria. In view of the possibility of paralysing the project to extend the Super-South variant, the demonstrators have called for the works to be halted.
Since the beginning of the project, 15 hectares have been destroyed in the Seberetxe area, including several habitats of Community Interest, according to the platform. “If you follow this path, you will reach the Bolintxu Valley, the jewel of the Pagasarri massif,” they said. As you have warned, if the works persist, the process can become irreversible in a short space of time.
In addition, the platform has underlined that the project has expired its Environmental Impact Declaration since 2017, despite the fact that the Representative "wanted to conceal this unjust situation". Faced with this situation, the platform brought an action before the courts, so they have asked that the works remain as a precautionary measure until there is a judgment.
‘Ampliación Supersur Ez!’ plataformak egin du deialdia, Ingurumenaren Nazioarteko Eguna baliatuz Metropoliaren Hegoaldeko Saihesbidearen handitzearen aurka protesta egiteko.
Peñascaleko bidesaria eta Betelu artean Bilbo Hegoaldeko Saihesbidea handitzea proposatu du Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak. “Ampliación Supersur Ez!” plataformak proiektuaren aurkako argudioak eta mobilizaziok zabaldu ditu.
Joan den astean iragarri zuen Unai Rementeria ahaldun nagusiak "Bizkaian XXI. mendean egingo den jarduketarik garrantzitsuena". Bi obra handi dira. Batetik, Ibaizabal aspitik pasako den tunela eta, bestetik, Supersur gisa ezagutzen den errepidearen luzapena. Azken lan... [+]
Getxo eta Portugalete artean tunel bat eraiki eta Bilbo Hegoaldeko saihesbidea AP-68arekin lotuko du obrak.
AHTren aurkako protestarengatik auzipetutako bederatzi lagunen artean den Xabi Jimenezekin solastatu gara protesta ekimenaz, prozesu judizialaz eta tren lasterraren aurkako borrokaren egungo egoeraz.