On June 5, at 7:30 p.m., the platform calls for a meeting in front of the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. The aim of the action is to create a human chain that declares that “there is no shortage of road infrastructure, but a serious problem in the management of mobility as well as territorial and urban planning”.
The platform points out that they have several reasons to oppose phase 1-b of the Southern Metropolitan Bypass, such as the damage it will cause in the special protection area of Bolintxu or the high cost of each kilometer.
The Supersur expansion project foresees the construction of a tunnel under Mount Arnotegi and a viaduct above the Bolintxu River. The Provincial Council of Bizkaia has set aside a budget of 200 million euros for the construction of the 4.2 kilometre long stretch of road, 47.6 million euros per kilometre. The platform insists that the extension of the motorway will only save two minutes and denounces that it is a motorway that only occupies 50% of the estimated traffic.
Getxo eta Portugalete artean tunel bat eraiki eta Bilbo Hegoaldeko saihesbidea AP-68arekin lotuko du obrak.
AHTren aurkako protestarengatik auzipetutako bederatzi lagunen artean den Xabi Jimenezekin solastatu gara protesta ekimenaz, prozesu judizialaz eta tren lasterraren aurkako borrokaren egungo egoeraz.