In this link you can download the report entitled The Virus of Inequality in Various Languages. Here are a few facts:
In nine months, the world’s thousand largest fortunes have regained their wealth before the pandemic, while it is estimated that the poorest in poverty will take more than a decade.
The money that the world's ten richest people have earned since the beginning of the pandemic is enough for no one to fall into poverty around the world because of COVID-19 and to fund a universal vaccine for all.
If the presence of women and men in the economic sectors most affected by the pandemic were equitable, 112 million women could be at risk of losing their income and employment.
If in the United States the death rate of the Latino and Black population were to be as high as that of the White population, the deaths last year would be 22,000 live Black or Latino people by December 2020.
In September 2020, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos could pay each of his 876,000 workers a $105,000 bonus and remain as rich as before the pandemic.
The COVID-19 crisis has spread in a world where the gap in wealth distribution was widening.
The pandemic has put on the table that for the majority of the world’s citizens the loss of one income is only reason to fall into misery.
If governments around the world started to take measures to reduce inequality, by 2030 there would be 860 million people in poverty, compared to a scenario where inequality would continue to grow.
In 2020, 180 countries temporarily closed their schools and, at worst, 1.7 billion pupils were unable to go to school.
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