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At least 97 people have died in Sudan and wounded hundreds over the weekend

  • The conflict between the army and the paramilitary group Rapid Help Forces erupts at the weekend, particularly in the capital of Khartum. Both sides are in a transitional period to form the country’s authority, but the power conflict has sparked a bloody battle.

17 April 2023 - 12:31
Khartum hiriburuan eztanda egin du militarren eta paramilitarren arteko indarkeriak.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The battle broke out on Saturday between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary team Rapid Help Forces (RSF). Since then, the attacks have caused at least 97 deaths and 942 injuries, according to the country's Medical Union. In addition, some hospitals have a shortage of resources to care for the injured, according to The Guardian, the World Health Organization (WHO).

The capital of Khartum has been the centre of the struggle, but it has spread throughout the country. In 2019, dictator Omar Al-Baxir was arrested for power by the military, after 30 years of presidency. It was then that the army and paramilitaries began the transition period to create a “civilian led democratic government”, but have failed to reach an agreement, and the discrepancies between them have led to an explosion of violence. The deaths and attacks are accusing each other.

The army is in favour of General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan. De facto he is the chairman of the Transitional Sovereign Council. However, the paramilitary group RSF was formed by former President Al-Baxir and is currently chaired by General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo Hemedti, deputy to the President of the Sovereign Council. The struggle is based on the power of both groups.

Inability to transition to democracy

Sudan has been in transition to democracy since 2019. The objective of the Sovereign Council for Transition is the formation of a democratic government led by civilians, but on the way they have had many conflicts. In October 2021, the military, civilian and military leaders beat the state for discrepancies in the transitional government they share. In November the agreement was signed and Head of State Abdalla Hamdo returned to power, but the economic and political crisis has increased, which has been maintained so far.

Another issue of transition is the weekend struggle: what place it has given the paramilitary team RSF in the Sudanese army. The crisis has led to worsening and there is a risk of further spread of violence in the country.

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