This is a conference organised by Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Institut d’Estudis Catalans in which the bases of the Code of Good Practices for the democratic management of territorial conflicts around sovereignty will be presented, taking into account the values and principles of the European project.
More than 60 experts of recognized international prestige have participated in this work. From now on, the proposal will work within a framework of collaboration that has brought together various socio-political actors, and for its implementation will be offered to international, European and state institutions.
In the words of the organizers, “at a time when new concepts of sovereignty are being generated, we believe that this work can help strengthen the European project. On the one hand, it can consolidate its founding values and, on the other, from a pragmatic point of view, because it can help its stability and a system of governance that strengthens the links between citizenship and institutions”.
The conference will have three main thematic axes: one, what is a territorial conflict of sovereignty? Objective and purpose of the Code of Good Practice; two, why should Europe participate? Interest, reasons and pragmatism in the Code of Good Practice; and three, how should I participate? Content of the Code of Good Practice.
The last section will reflect on the formal and material conditions that may lead to a just and democratic solution to these conflicts. That is, according to the organizers, “what has been called “conditions of clarity” is “the definition of decisive subjects and areas of decision, the combination of processes of deliberation, consultation and ratification, the quorum of participation and the required majorities, the conditions of the question to be raised, the reversibility of the decision and the repetitiveness of the processes, the guarantees a posteriori between the parties”.
The conference will start at 16:30 this Wednesday and you can consult the program and all the participants in it on the portal of Eusko Ikaskuntza.
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