On October 8th, Sarek organizes a festival in Illumbe in San Sebastian to end the dynamic Izan Bidea. The day will begin at 11:00 hours with the last kilometers of the dynamic Izan Bidea on the Boulevard and then at 12:00, a demonstration will be held from Pius XII. Then, at 13:00, there will be a political act and an introduction to the festival, which will start at 15:30.
Sare will lead Illumbe to musical groups and many others: There will be Belako, Rotten XIII, Esne Beltza, Su Ta Gar, Liher, Zea Mays, Doctor Deseo, Eñaut Elorrieta, Josu and Gari, McOnak, Trikidantz, Ttek elektrotxaranga, Porroametx, Maialen Lujanbio and Lus.
Plataforma herritarrak gaur egun arte lortutakoaren balioa nabarmendu du, eta adierazi du gizarteak “bultzada bat” eman behar duela “oraindik erbestean eta deportazioan daudenak” etxeratzeko. Etorkizuneko belaunaldiei gizarte hobeago bat uzteko garrantzia... [+]
Sare's participation in the demonstration held on 13 January in Bilbao showed that it was not just one of the events that took place in January for years.
Once again, the desire of Basque society to put an end to the consequences of a confrontation which has caused pain and... [+]
Last Saturday, 21 October, the new dynamic of Sare was presented in Gernika: "Solution Keys."
In this presentation, the civil society, represented by people from different cultural, university, sports fields, etc., who spoke of the diversity of Basque society, gave voice to the... [+]