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STREAMING | Presentation of the book ‘Bidean’ by Koldo Rabada Izagirre

  • Koldo Rabadam Izagirre will present in the Municipal Library of Donostia, in the Old Part, the book ‘Bidean’, which he has published with ARGIA. The presentation will start at 12:00.

03 November 2021 - 07:30

The author of the book is a teacher and a psychopedagogue. Teach with passion. After working in a number of schools, in recent years, teaching in the Eskola Txikiak is being enjoyed. It has shaped the decalogue of the conclusions drawn from their experiences and with a fine humor makes a ferocious critique of the educational system and some of the daily corrupt beliefs that self-criticism teachers have internalized. It awakens in the reader the emotions, the game of reflection and creativity, and alters our gaze towards the children, highlighting everything we can learn from them. This book offers teachers and parents many keys to enjoy more with the education of children.

Presentation can be followed in

-If you want to buy a book you can do it in the ARGIA market.

-If you want Koldo Rabadam to give a talk to parents or teachers in your locality or school write to

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