On 25 August they started at 10:00 in the morning in the town square of Irurtzun, without the TAV! screaming. At the end of the morning stage, the road of Altsasu / Alsasua is taken and concentrated on it. The day ended in Olazti / Olazagutia, where the marchists of the plain met, and at night organized concerts in the gaztetxe.
On Saturday by Ataun, the march again took the path of Altsasu/Alsasua to concentrate on the rights of the workers of the train station and the traditional train. In the afternoon the claims were transferred to the Erauskin square of Beasain: The Principal Charter of Concentration, which said “The destruction of nature and rural lands does not allow the people to be built,” denounced the “chain of impact” involved in the construction of the TAVs. The day ended in Ataun.
Sunday was Ataun-Irurtzun. At noon in Huarte, a new concentration is held coinciding with the Artzai Eguna. The march was closed with an act that began on Friday in the same town of Irurtzun.
Major infrastructure and development such as the High-Speed Train that is being imposed as an essential benchmark for development, well-being and modernity or, more recently, as an element to cope with climate challenges, require a large amount of money for planning and... [+]
Al-TAV-oz eguna antolatu du larunbatean Nafarroako AHTren kontrako mugimenduak Iruñean, datorren larunbatean. Plazara! zentroan egun osoko jardunaldia izango da hitzaldiekin, abiadura handiko trenari buruzko hausnarketa sustatu eta "eztabaidagune bat sortzea"... [+]
2030a aurretik Gasteiz eta Iruñea arteko AHTren tartea eraikitzeko aurreikuspenik ez dagoenez, halakorik ez eraikitzea proposatu du Europar Batzordeak. Berriaren harira, AHT Gelditu! mugimenduak adierazi du abiadura handiko trena gelditzea oraindik posible dela.