Zinegoak will award this year's Honorary Prize to Sridhar Rangayan (Mandya, Karnataka, India, 1962), director, producer and entrepreneur. The Hindu filmmaker “Kashsish” is the director of the Queer Festival in Bombay (the only sexual diversity festival in India and one of the most important in Asia). In the Rangayan he will travel to Bilbao to collect the prize. The Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao will host the opening ceremony of Zinegoak on 18 February. In addition, on February 17 he will present his latest work Evening Shadowsbere in the BBK room, with free and free admission.
As pointed out by Pau Guillén, director of Zinegoak, “Rangayan has been working on human rights and sexual diversity for two decades. His film has opened the doors to different themes and told stories of censored voices.”
In 2001, Rangayan founded the production company Solaris along with the writer and artistic director Saagar Gupta. Solaris is is the first Indian producer specialising in LGTB films. The Kashish festival is also organised through the producer. The queer festival of Bombay has completed 10 editions and has become a worldwide reference.
Special Positive Support Award
Every two years, the festival awards a special prize to people, associations and institutions with social, militant and audiovisual characteristics. After producer Fernando Díez and Uganda’s Queer Kampala festival, this year’s Special Prize will be for Positive Support (A+). This year, the association turns 25.
This NGO promotes diversity in three main areas: health, education and rights. Positive Support has been able to update the audiovisual language and has joined the new generations. Among other issues, they have dealt with HIV or LGTBphobia.
This news was posted by Uriola and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
Albertina Carri zinemagile eta ekintzaile argentinarrak otsailaren 28an jasoko du Ohorezko Saria, Zinegoak LGTBI+ zinema eta arte eszenikoen jaialdiaren inaugurazio ekitaldian, Bilboko Arriaga antzokian. Aurtengo edizioan Carriren obrari buruzko ziklo berezia eskainiko da.
“Marioker”, “Lumatza”, “Kuir”, “Soropila” edo “Kapaza” hitzek osatu dituzte Zinegoak LGTBI+ jaialdiaren aurtengo kartelak. Inposatutako etiketarik gabe, "gure burua nahi dugun moduan berrizendatzeko, erakusteko eta... [+]