It is clear that the number of video games that can be played in Basque continues to increase. The last example added to this list is the Space Revenge of the Valencian study Schema Games: the action video game has already been released on PC and consoles, and thanks to the collaboration with the Basque video-player association Game Erauntsia you can fully enjoy in Basque.
Space Revenge is a twin-stick shooting game. Players will choose between two main characters when starting the adventure. The goal of the mercenary brothers John and Malcon will be the same: to find and destroy the criminals who murdered their parents when they were children. After a lifetime of preparing for revenge, they will attack the base of their enemies at the beginning of the game.
The latest work of the study Schema Games is a shooting game with a sci-fi setting. Game Erauntsia will draw a copy from the Basque gaming community.
With an isometric perspective, Space Reveng will follow the basic controls of action adventures like Renegade Ops or Enter the Gungeon, that is, it must move with a stick of authority and sign up with the other. The brothers will be able to use all kinds of weapons and will have shops scattered on the premises for purchase and improvement.
Over the fourteen levels that need to be overcome, there will be a number of goals to be met in order to move forward, as well as secondary missions for credit, with a total of 40 missions. It will be essential to kill all kinds of enemies, and since it could not be otherwise, the protagonists of the day will meet several major enemies.
List of games in Basque Country
The members of the Game Erauntsia association have taken part in this translation process and have had the help of the Basque philologist Asier González Casado in correcting and defining the terminology. In this way, the Basque Country can be officially chosen from the Space Revengen menu.
It's not the only video game you can play in Basque. Previously, the Basque developer Gabriel Fiallegas had done the work of action Delta Squad to translate the work.
The association works in the Basque translation of video games, in collaboration with the community and in the identification and dissemination of works officially published by the developers. To do this, he has created a list of video games in Basque that can be seen on the web through the news and social networks.
Space Revenge can be played in Euskera on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and Switch platforms.
Get the digital code for Steam!
On the occasion of the publication of a new video game in Basque, Game Erauntsia and Schema Games will draw between the Basque community a digital code for the Space Reveng Steam platform.
What needs to be done to participate is simple: On Twitter you just have to follow the Game Erauntsia and retweet this tweet to enter the draw. Next week, the winner will be chosen and given the prize. Take part and get the last video game translated into Basque!
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