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SOS Palestine

23 October 2023 - 17:27

Internationally, days are being unpleasant. Difficult. Sadness and anger at the same time (big). Fear of what will come, the next news. Overcome the worst suspicions of raw reality. Again and again. Daily. Cruel and unjust.

In the American city of Illinois, a 71-year-old “man” murders a 6-year-old boy with 26 knives. Six-year-old! 26 with a knife! Only by belonging to a family of Palestinian origin! I do not find (I think there are) words describing such an event and the pain caused.

I am not an expert in Middle East affairs. But I see that many media, political parties and spaces of power are repeating stories, arguments and interpretations that do not correspond to reality. Like the laundering of crimes and massacres of Israel.

Thus, on the basis of the data, I would like to highlight the following interested and distorted arguments:

“The conflict is triggered in October by the Hamas attack.”

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict did not begin in October 2023. And it doesn't wake up to Hamas attacks. You have to go to the beginning of the 20th century to know its origin. We must go back over 75 years to find the beginning of persecution, oppression, occupation and systematic humiliation against the Palestinians. Only in 2023, before October, 237 Palestinians were killed by Israelis (one person a day on average), 50 of them children. Decades before Hamas emerged, the conflict already existed in all its crudety; Hamas is one of the consequences of the conflict rather than the cause of the conflict.

“It’s a war between Hamas and Israel.”

This is not a war between two equal parties, but a genocide that is being carried out for many years against an entire country that has no means or protection, that has many resources, a powerful army and a state fully protected by the great powers. The “tank against stones” that has been mentioned on many occasions. 20 Palestinians per Israeli in conflict have been killed (from 2008 to September this year, 6,407 Palestinians and 308 Israelis). And since the beginning of the conflict, this gap between the two sides has been steadily growing.

“Israel has the right to defend itself as a victim.”

The heirs of the great victims of Nazism have become clear examples of fascism

Israel has been constantly attacking the Palestinians and implementing the apartheid regime since 1948. And those who are suffering these attacks are Palestinian citizens. Consequently, the appointment of a victim and the right to defend themselves, if they exist, should be the Palestinians. How can it be understood that the 75-year-old aggressor feels victim and claims the right to defend himself? Israeli attacks have caused 6,000,000 Palestinian refugees since 1948. Israel has been taking land out and building colonies for the Palestinians illegally, firing the Palestinians from their lands and houses. They have been built by illegal walls, denied the right to move… all with impunity.

“Israel is only attacking the Hamas points, the locations.”

Israel ' s attacks are not confined to the members of Sixteen, particularly intentionally, against Palestinian civilians. Proof of this is the bombing of hospitals, ambulances, schools, homes, bakeries, NGO headquarters… In the October attacks, the State of Israel has caused at least 4,400 deaths and 14,000 injuries in the first 10 days, almost all of them civilians and 70% (yes, 7 out of 10) children, the elderly and women. It has dropped over 6,000 bombs to Gaza. At least 55 families have been killed in their entirety. It has also killed 20 humanitarian workers and journalists. And 1,400,000 people have had to leave their homes in Gaza.

“Israel’s goal is to end the Hamas group.”

In view of the above data, it can be concluded that it wants to end all Palestinians more than the Hamas group. And that this October offensive is yet another step in the strategy that has been in place for some time to reach that goal. Those who do not murder with bombs and shots are being killed by hunger, thirst or lack of medicine.

“Israel wants peace.”

Violence, attacks, wars have been the strategy of the State of Israel from the very beginning. And it has been breaking all the peace agreements that have been made to resolve the conflict, ignoring and doing everything it wants. It has continually breached international law, it has broken UN resolutions… And with the current ultra-right Zionist government the situation has worsened. An Israeli minister announces that animals live in Gaza and will be treated. That is his peace strategy.

“Some countries protect Israel and others Palestine.”

The international protection of each other is also very imbalanced quantitatively and qualitatively. The world's largest powers EE.UU. European Union) is justifying all Israel’s actions, led both by its business and by its economic, geopolitical interests. They accept and justify everything to Israel. On this occasion, instead of breaking with Israel, the answer was to block human aid to Palestine. Where have the attitudes recently exposed to other aggressions and the penalties and vetoes against the aggressor remained? It is clear that one does not look at what is done, but who and whom.

“Both parties are responsible and must resolve the conflict between them.”

It cannot be concealed that the main responsibility for the situation is that of the perpetrators of the genocide, i.e. the oppressor. The focus should therefore be on Israel and they should be required to end all their attacks.

Gauze had become a hell by October because of the Israeli blockade since 2006. It's known as the world's largest open-air jail, where 2,000,000 people, half boys and girls, lived in a space as small as survival. a unemployment rate of over 45%, 65% in poverty … After these terrible attacks in recent days I cannot imagine the situation in which it is in …

The State of Israel must therefore stop committing war crimes and actions against humanity. It must finally stop killing innocent children. The heirs of the great victims of Nazism have become clear examples of fascism.

The Palestinians have a right to exist. And the right to live in peace.

And the international has (we) the key: it has to close its eyes and stop quiet (we), at once. Otherwise, this terrible Illinois action will remain the metaphor for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. That is, 71-year-old armed men against 6-year-old children.

Aitor Irigoien Odriozola

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