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The song of this year's Creation party has been written by Afu: "A Good Day"

  • With this song, Afu will celebrate the party that will take place this year on May 20th in the Antoniuti Park of Pamplona. Good morning!, means Creando every day and for that they have created the character of EuskaraKilo that will promote this attitude, following last year’s IkasKilo snail.

27 March 2018 - 11:03
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Soratz Association continues to develop their dream: School of Good Living Neighborhood and Educational Sovereignty. "Good Morning!, as a sign that we will create and develop a good day. Good morning!, as a representation of the importance of everyone starting the day in Basque, or as a way of expressing that everyone who wants to start the day in Basque has the opportunity to start it. As a sense of the importance of using what you know."

“This year we want to give the Basque language its importance. At a time when we continue to take new steps to ensure that language rights are respected in the Basque Country, both by proclaiming an official status that includes the entire territory and by extending the D model over all discrimination," says Sor.

After years of celebration in the Takonera Park in Pamplona and other areas, last year it was celebrated with great success in the Antoniuti Park. Like last year, this year’s party will not just be organized by a school. It will be organized in the neighborhood by members of the educational community of Aunas Escolares.

The members of Creando are focused on the School of the Good Living Neighborhood: "EuskaraKilo, IkasKilo... The caracol gang has education at its heart and a new model in mind. They love education so much that they have it as their home. They have a slow walk because they are committed to leaving no one behind. And also because going slow allows them to go long ways, achieving great and beautiful things by taking small steps." More information about the song, the association and the party of this year can be found on the website of Concepción.


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